MagneticOne Mobile Приложения

Wiki Чиновника 1.0.4
MagneticOne Mobile
Wiki Чиновника - це ресурс, присвяченийпоширенню правдивої та повної інформації про посадових осіб таполітиків в Україні. Наша місія полягає в розбудові громадянськогосуспільства в Україні та створенні прозорої системи контролюгромадськості за діяльністю органів державної влади різних рівнів,зокрема:- міської влади;- районних рад;- обласних рад;- облдержадміністрацій;- міліції;- прокуратури;- судів;- податкової;- СБУ;- виконавчої служби;- інших органів державної влади.Чиновники повинні усвідомлювати, що кожен їх крок, здійснений позазаконом, стане відомий: громадськості, їх сусідам, друзям, колегам,та буде відповідно покараний.ЯК ЦЕ ПРАЦЮЄWiki Чиновника побудована на принципах вільного доступу доінформації за прикладом Долучитися до наповненняможе кожен, кому не байдужа доля України. Все, що потрібно - цевільний час та розуміння того, що ідучи шляхом корупції, нашакраїна приречена бути країною 3-го світу. Навіть незначний внесок(одна підготована стаття) допоможе змінити її на краще.ДОЛУЧАЙТЕСЬ !Wiki officials - is aresource dedicated to the dissemination of accurate and completeinformation on officials and politicians in Ukraine. Our mission isto build a civil society in Ukraine and creating a transparentsystem of public control over the activities of public authoritiesat various levels, including:- The local government;- District Councils;- Regional councils;- Regional administrations;- The police;- Prosecutor's Office;- Courts;- Tax;- Security Service;- Executive Service;- Other public authorities.Officials should be aware that each of the steps taken outside thelaw, will be known: the public, their neighbors, friends,colleagues, and will be punished accordingly.HOW IT WORKSWiki officials built on the principles of free access toinformation on the pattern Connect to the fillingcan anyone who is not indifferent to the fate of Ukraine. All youneed - a free time and understanding that going through corruption,our country is doomed to be a country of the 3rd world. Even aminor contribution (one prepared paper) will change it for thebetter.Get Involved!
BCard Reader 4 MS Dynamics CRM 1.1.97
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Microsoft DynamicsCRM is the easiest and quickest way to save your business cardsinfo into Microsoft Dynamics CRM.Snap a photo of business card and Business Card Reader forMicrosoft Dynamics CRM instantly exports all card data directlyinto your CRM system.Moreover, this innovative solution allows you to find out moreinformation about your potential client, partner, orcolleague.Just two taps and you get a bird’s-eye view of the followinginformation:- personal info: Company name, Job title, Department, Address,Social network profiles, messengers etc.HOW IT WORKSWith our app you can save a business card in just 2 clicks and 10seconds of your time!1. Snap a photo of a business card - app recognizes itautomatically2. Preview and save resultsFEATURES✓ Simple and intuitive interface✓ Built-in integration wizard exclusively for Microsoft DynamicsCRM✓ Ability to recognize business cards from card images savedearlier✓ 25 recognitions languages supported✓ Multilingual cards recognition supported✓ Automatically add country phone code when code is missing inbusiness card phone number✓ Fast recognition process (improved recognition speed for UltraHDbusiness cards' photos)✓ Precise conversion of business card data (using the technology ofintellectual OCR)✓ Preview results and make necessary changes before saving✓ Add text and voice notes for each business card✓ Navigate to contact address on map✓ Instantly save results by one touch (to CRM, phone contacts orgmail contacts)✓ Encrypted recognition server connection for maximum datasecurity✓ It doesn't violate any laws or the privacy rights✓ It always keeps your contacts secure and in one placeUnique Features✓ Get more extended person’s information on the fly from databaseof Company name, Position, Job title, Address, Socialnetwork profiles (Facebook, Linkedln, and Twitter), messengersetc.*✓ Send a letter with your contact information to a savedcontact✓ Save the location of a business card recognition process* works best for USA and EuropeSUPPORTED LANGUAGES- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)- Czech- Danish- Dutch (Netherlands)- English- Estonian- Finnish- French- German- Greek- Indonesian- Italian- Japanese- Korean- Norwegian (both Bokmal and Nynorsk)- Polish- Portuguese (Portugal)- Portuguese (Brazilian)- Russian- Spanish- Swedish- Turkish- UkrainianPRICINGIt’s a FREE version with limited amount of business cardsrecognitionsPay As You Go plans:Personal$14.99* – 100 business cards recognitions$27.99* – 200 business cards recognitions$59.99* – 500 business cards recognitions$99.99* – 1000 business cards recognitionsCorporate (per year)$99.99* – 1000 business cards recognitions$199.99* – 2500 business cards recognitions$299.99* – 5000 business cards recognitions$399.99* – 8000 business cards recognitions*plus taxes are collected in some countriesBulk pricing is available on request - please contact via emailbelowCorporate LicensingYou can use Business Card Reader for the group of people – withinyour company or your team.Read more at product page USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Business Card Reader for Megaplan CRM 1.1.159
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Megaplan CRM is the easiest, fastest andsecure solution for transferring information from paper businesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of your smartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the application will scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM. In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potential client, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRM systems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spend too much timelooking for business cards that were presented at meetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sort them, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs. Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business Card Scanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of filling thecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use the bestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card Reader fromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work? Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of a businesscard, the app will automatically recognize all the information fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to the CRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognition languages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitive interface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability to recognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25 recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognition supported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes before saving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it is missing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed for Ultra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition server connection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion of business card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text and voice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws or privacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in one place. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of the contact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title, Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with your contact information to a saved contact; -Custom fields customization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; - Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - Corporate Keyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limit CorporateKey access to specific users or domains. Corporate Licensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single Corporate Key for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Read more: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE version witha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan 10business cards to test how the application works, after that youneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal (unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr); $27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate (peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99* –2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the common questions: Follow us Website: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: us E-mail: We are here tohelp! Feel free to send us any questions or suggestions you have.
Business Card Reader for OnePage CRM 1.1.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for OnePage CRM is the easiest, fastest andsecure solution for transferring information from paper businesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of your smartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the application will scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM. In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potential client, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRM systems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spend too much timelooking for business cards that were presented at meetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sort them, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs. Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business Card Scanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of filling thecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use the bestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card Reader fromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work? Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of a businesscard, the app will automatically recognize all the information fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to the CRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognition languages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitive interface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability to recognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25 recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognition supported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes before saving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it is missing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed for Ultra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition server connection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion of business card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text and voice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws or privacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in one place. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of the contact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title, Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with your contact information to a saved contact; -Custom fields customization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; - Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - Corporate Keyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limit CorporateKey access to specific users or domains. Corporate Licensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single Corporate Key for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Read more: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE version witha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan 10business cards to test how the application works, after that youneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal (unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr); $27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate (peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99* –2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the common questions: Follow us Website: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: us E-mail: We are here tohelp! Feel free to send us any questions or suggestions you have.
Free Business Card Reader for SalesforceIQ CRM 1.1.99
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for SalesforceIQ CRM(Business) is the easiest and quickest way to save yourbusiness cards info into SalesforceIQ CRM (Business).Snap a photo of business card and Business Card Reader forSalesforceIQ CRM instantly exports all card data directly into yourCRM system.Moreover, this innovative solution allows you to find out moreinformation about your potential client, partner, orcolleague.Just two taps and you get a bird’s-eye view of the followinginformation:- personal info: Company name, Job title, Department, Address,Social network profiles, messengers etc.HOW IT WORKSWith our app you can save a business card in just 2 clicks and 10seconds of your time!1. Snap a photo of a business card - app recognizes itautomatically2. Preview and save resultsFEATURES- Simple and intuitive interface- Built-in integration wizard exclusively for SalesforceIQ CRM(Business)- Ability to recognize business cards from card images savedearlier- 25 recognitions languages supported- Multilingual cards recognition supported- Automatically add country phone code when code is missing inbusiness card phone number- Fast recognition process (improved recognition speed for UltraHDbusiness cards' photos)- Precise conversion of business card data (using the technology ofintellectual OCR)- Preview results and make necessary changes before saving- Add text and voice notes for each business card- Navigate to contact address on map- Instantly save results by one touch (to CRM, phone contacts orgmail contacts)- Encrypted recognition server connection for maximum datasecurity- It doesn't violate any laws or the privacy rights- It always keeps your contacts secure and in one placeUnique Features- Get more extended person’s information on the fly from databaseof Company name, Position, Job title, Address, Socialnetwork profiles (Facebook, Linkedln, and Twitter), messengersetc.*- Send a letter with your contact information to a savedcontact- Save the location of a business card recognition process* works best for USA and EuropeSUPPORTED LANGUAGES- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)- Czech- Danish- Dutch (Netherlands)- English- Estonian- Finnish- French- German- Greek- Indonesian- Italian- Japanese- Korean- Norwegian (both Bokmal and Nynorsk)- Polish- Portuguese (Portugal)- Portuguese (Brazilian)- Russian- Spanish- Swedish- Turkish- UkrainianPRICINGIt’s a FREE version with limited amount of business cardsrecognitionsPay As You Go plans:Personal$14.99* – 100 business cards recognitions$27.99* – 200 business cards recognitions$59.99* – 500 business cards recognitions$99.99* – 1000 business cards recognitionsCorporate (per year)$99.99* – 1000 business cards recognitions$199.99* – 2500 business cards recognitions$299.99* – 5000 business cards recognitions$399.99* – 8000 business cards recognitions*plus taxes are collected in some countriesBulk pricing is available on request - please contact via emailbelowCorporate LicensingYou can use Business Card Reader for the group of people – withinyour company or your team.Read more at product page USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Call Tracker for SuiteCRM 2.3.148
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Suite CRM is a mobile app intended to transferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls from smartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. It is exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due to your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in one place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process of entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information before saving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activities will sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *This application wasdeveloped to work with Suite CRM by M1MW. This application is notdeveloped by Suite CRM. Suite CRM is the registered trademark. SMStracking is NOT available right now! How it Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. You should have a SuiteCRM account. Set the connection to your CRM inside the application(enter your credentials). Make sure that the Login status is“Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trial subscription (goto Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription) or buy thesubscription. 3. Make or receive a call on your smartphone. 4.After the end of the call, you can choose to save it into your CRM,and the app will automatically send call info into the CRM (whocalled, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also: - set uprules for certain contact (always save or never save into a CRM),and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choose thedestination where to save voice notes. FAQ Features- Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allows you toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - The appprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities into yourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storage rules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknown phonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company, etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and the applicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1 monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6 monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREE trialperiod <<<--- GET IN TOUCH We are here to help! Feel free tosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if they areCRM-related. Follow us Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Base CRM Call Tracker 2.3.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Base CRM is a mobile app intended to transferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls from smartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. It is exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due to your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in one place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process of entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information before saving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activities will sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *This application wasdeveloped to work with Base CRM by M1MW. This application is notdeveloped by Base CRM. Base CRM is the registered trademark. SMStracking is NOT available right now! How it Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. You should have a BaseCRM account. Set the connection to your CRM inside the application(enter your credentials). Make sure that the Login status is“Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trial subscription (goto Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription) or buy thesubscription. 3. Make or receive a call on your smartphone. 4.After the end of the call, you can choose to save it into your CRM,and the app will automatically send call info into the CRM (whocalled, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also: - set uprules for certain contact (always save or never save into a CRM),and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choose thedestination where to save voice notes. FAQ Features- Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allows you toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - The appprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities into yourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storage rules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknown phonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company, etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and the applicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1 monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6 monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREE trialperiod <<<--- GET IN TOUCH We are here to help! Feel free tosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if they areCRM-related. Follow us Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Call Tracker for Insightly CRM 1.0.56
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Insightly CRM is abusiness app intended to help you with your customer management! Itautomatically transfers call logs from smartphone into Insightly.All information about call (number, name of the contact, callduration and other additional information) at the end of the callwill be simply added to your CRM online. Call Tracker app for CRMmakes your calls work!HOW IT WORKS1. Get incoming or make outgoing calls on your Androidsmartphone2. Call Tracker automatically saves call information into CRM (whocalled, date, call duration)3. In the end of the call you can choose to save call log into yourCRM or not.3.a. You can simply set up rules for certain contact - always saveor never save into a CRM4. Done. Your call is saved into your connected CRM. You can alsoadd notes (or voice notes) to the saved call.FEATURES- Insightly CRM Call Tracker simply tracks outgoing and incomingcalls as Tasks;- Ability to attach calls to the following records in Insightly:Account, Contact or Lead;- Add Voice Notes;- Create rules to enable automatic call tracking forContacts;- Add calls later from your Call Log;- Tracks calls offline - pending activities will sync automaticallywhen the Internet connection is restored.This business communication tool helps you to perform your customermanagement productively!PRICING$3.99* – 1 month subscription$10.99* – 3 months subscription$19.99* – 6 months subscription$34.99* – 1 year subscription*plus taxes are collected in some countries--->>> 7 days of free trial period <<<---FOLLOW USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Call Tracker for OnePageCRM 1.0.114
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for OnePage CRM is a mobile app intended to transferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls from smartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. It is exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due to your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in one place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process of entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information before saving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activities will sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *This application wasdeveloped to work with OnePageCRM by M1MW. This application is notdeveloped by OnePageCRM. OnePageCRM is the registered trademark.SMS tracking is NOT available right now! How it Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. You should have anOnePage CRM account. Set the connection to your CRM inside theapplication (enter your credentials). Make sure that the Loginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call on yoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose to save itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call info intothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never save intoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choosethe destination where to save voice notes. FAQ Features- Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allows you toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - The appprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities into yourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storage rules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknown phonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company, etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and the applicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1 monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6 monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREE trialperiod <<<--- GET IN TOUCH We are here to help! Feel free tosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if they areCRM-related. Follow us Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Call Tracker for MS Dynamics 1.0.55
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Microsoft Dynamics CRMis a business app intended to help you with your customermanagement! It automatically transfers call logs from smartphoneinto MS Dynamics. All information about call (number, name of thecontact, call duration and other additional information) at the endof the call will be simply added to your CRM online. Call Trackerapp for CRM makes your calls work!HOW IT WORKS1. Get incoming or make outgoing calls on your Androidsmartphone2. Call Tracker automatically saves call information into CRM (whocalled, date, call duration)3. In the end of the call you can choose to save call log into yourCRM or not.3.a. You can simply set up rules for certain contact - always saveor never save into a CRM4. Done. Your call is saved into your connected CRM. You can alsoadd notes (or voice notes) to the saved call.FEATURES- MS Dynamics CRM Call Tracker simply tracks outgoing and incomingcalls as Tasks;- Ability to attach calls to the following records in MS Dynamics:Account, Contact or Lead;- Add Voice Notes;- Create rules to enable automatic call tracking forContacts;- Add calls later from your Call Log;- Tracks calls offline - pending activities will sync automaticallywhen the Internet connection is restored.This business communication tool helps you to perform your customermanagement productively!PRICING$3.99* – 1 month subscription$10.99* – 3 months subscription$19.99* – 6 months subscription$34.99* – 1 year subscription*plus taxes are collected in some countries--->>> 7 days of free trial period <<<---FOLLOW USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Call Tracker for Apptivo CRM 1.0.115
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Apptivo CRM is a mobile app intended to transferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls from smartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. It is exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due to your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in one place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process of entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information before saving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activities will sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *This application wasdeveloped to work with Apptivo CRM by M1MW. This application is notdeveloped by Apptivo CRM. Apptivo CRM is the registered trademark.SMS tracking is NOT available right now! How it Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. You should have anApptivo CRM account. Set the connection to your CRM inside theapplication (enter your credentials). Make sure that the Loginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call on yoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose to save itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call info intothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never save intoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choosethe destination where to save voice notes. FAQ Features- Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allows you toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - The appprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities into yourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storage rules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknown phonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company, etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and the applicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1 monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6 monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREE trialperiod <<<--- GET IN TOUCH We are here to help! Feel free tosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if they areCRM-related. Follow us Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Capsule CRM Call Tracker 2.3.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Capsule CRM is a mobile app intended to transferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls from smartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. It is exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due to your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in one place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process of entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information before saving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activities will sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *This application wasdeveloped to work with Capsule CRM by M1MW. This application is notdeveloped by Capsule CRM. Capsule CRM is the registered trademark.SMS tracking is NOT available right now! How it Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. You should have aCapsule CRM account. Set the connection to your CRM inside theapplication (enter your credentials). Make sure that the Loginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call on yoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose to save itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call info intothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never save intoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choosethe destination where to save voice notes. FAQ Features- Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allows you toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - The appprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities into yourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storage rules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknown phonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company, etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and the applicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1 monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6 monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREE trialperiod <<<--- GET IN TOUCH We are here to help! Feel free tosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if they areCRM-related. Follow us Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn:
Call Tracker for Act! Premium 1.0.56
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Act! Premium CRM is amobile app intended to help you with your business communication!It automatically transfers call logs from smartphone into Act!Premium. All information about call (number, name of the contact,call duration and other additional information) at the end of thecall will be simply added to your CRM online. Get your phonecontact to Act! Premium CRM efficiently!HOW IT WORKS1. Get incoming or make outgoing calls on your Androidsmartphone2. Call Tracker automatically saves call information into CRM (whocalled, date, call duration)3. In the end of the call you can choose to save call log into yourCRM or not.3.a. You can simply set up rules for certain contact - always saveor never save into a CRM4. Done. Your call is saved into your connected CRM. You can alsoadd notes (or voice notes) to the saved call.FEATURES- Call Tracker easily tracks outgoing and incoming calls as Tasksin Act! Premium;- Ability to attach calls to the following records in Act! Premium:Account, Contact or Lead;- Add Voice Notes;- Create rules to enable automatic call tracking forContacts;- Add calls later from your Call Log;- Tracks calls offline - pending activities will sync automaticallywhen the Internet connection is restored.PRICING$3.99* – 1 month subscription$10.99* – 3 months subscription$19.99* – 6 months subscription$34.99* – 1 year subscription*plus taxes are collected in some countries--->>> 7 days of free trial period <<<---FOLLOW USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Call Tracker for 1.0.55
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for CRM is amobile app intended to help you with your business communication!It automatically transfers call logs from smartphone into information about call (number, name of the contact, callduration and other additional information) at the end of the callwill be simply added to your CRM online. Get your phone contact CRM efficiently!HOW IT WORKS1. Get incoming or make outgoing calls on your Androidsmartphone2. Call Tracker automatically saves call information into CRM (whocalled, date, call duration)3. In the end of the call you can choose to save call log into yourCRM or not.3.a. You can simply set up rules for certain contact - always saveor never save into a CRM4. Done. Your call is saved into your connected CRM. You can alsoadd notes (or voice notes) to the saved call.FEATURES- Call Tracker easily tracks outgoing and incoming calls as Tasksin Capsule;- Ability to attach calls to the following records in, Contact or Lead;- Add Voice Notes;- Create rules to enable automatic call tracking forContacts;- Add calls later from your Call Log;- Tracks calls offline - pending activities will sync automaticallywhen the Internet connection is restored.PRICING$3.99* – 1 month subscription$10.99* – 3 months subscription$19.99* – 6 months subscription$34.99* – 1 year subscription*plus taxes are collected in some countries--->>> 7 days of free trial period <<<---FOLLOW USFacebook IN TOUCHE-mail: contact@magneticonemobile.comWe are here to help! Feel free to send us any questions orsuggestions you have!
Call Tracker for Infusionsoft CRM 1.0.114
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Infusionsoft CRM is a mobile app intendedtotransfer information about incoming and outgoing callsfromsmartphones into CRM (customer relationship management) system.Itis exactly what you need if you make a lot of calls every daydueto your business activity. You can store all data about callsinone place – in the CRM system. You can automate the manualprocessof entering data about every call to the CRM. Theapplicationallows users to track the duration and number of callsto everycontact, allows to add notes and voice notes to the calllog, tocreate rules to enable automatic call tracking forindividualcontacts. It also lets you add and edit the informationbeforesaving the call log into the CRM. After every call, theapplicationwill ask you- save the call info to the CRM or not. Youcan latergo inside the app and choose what call logs you want tosave to theCRM. The application is able to work offline and pendingactivitieswill sync automatically when the Internet connection isrestored.*This application was developed to work with InfusionsoftCRM byM1MW. This application is not developed by InfusionsoftCRM.Infusionsoft CRM is the registered trademark. SMS tracking isNOTavailable right now! How it Works Using Call Tracker is mucheasierthan it may seem! 1. You should have an Infusionsoft CRMaccount.Set the connection to your CRM inside the application(enter yourcredentials). Make sure that the Login status is“Online”. 2. Youneed to activate your free trial subscription (goto Menu -Configuration- Check for subscription) or buy thesubscription. 3.Make or receive a call on your smartphone. 4. Afterthe end of thecall, you can choose to save it into your CRM, andthe app willautomatically send call info into the CRM (who called,date, callduration). That’s it! You can also: - set up rules forcertaincontact (always save or never save into a CRM), and addnotes (orvoice notes) to the saved call; - choose the destinationwhere tosave voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Talk2Task for Bitrix24 CRM®
MagneticOne Mobile
Talk2Task - the application that allows you to set tasks usingthevoice commands directly into Bitrix24 CRM. Manageprojectsremotely, assign tasks to employees in the most convenientway -just click and talk! Increase your own productivity. Save thetimewith Talk2Task. To see more information about Talk2Task, followthelink How it works 1. Set uptheapplication and connect it to your Bitrix24 CRM account. Youdon’tneed to have any technical skills to do that, followthestep-by-step instruction. 2. Choose the language you need tosetthe task. 3. Click the “Microphone” button and: -tell whoisresponsible for the task -say what you want to be done -set theduedate The application will convert your voice message to textandsend it into Bitrix24 CRM automatically. 14 days FREE trialperiodis available for all users to test Talk2Task and feel allbenefits.Talk2Task features: - The application is easy to use andincludesstep-by-step instructions. - Modern and accurate voicerecognitiontechnology. - Multi- language. You can use English,Ukrainian, orRussian to set the tasks. If you need the otherlanguage to besupported, please contact us - Set an unlimited number oftasks.Choose the monthly subscription, for 6 months, or for a yearanduse the app without any limits. - View tasks before saving,adddetails by text or voice. - Attach photos using the cameraorgallery. - Automatically attach your message record. LANGUAGES-English - Russian - Ukrainian FOLLOW US -Facebook -Twitter -LinkedIn -YouTube We are here to helpyou.Feel free to contact us for any support or suggestions.
Talk2Task for Jira®
MagneticOne Mobile
Talk2Task - the application that allows you to set tasks usingthevoice commands directly into Jira. Manage projects remotely,assigntasks to employees in the most convenient way - just clickandtalk! Increase your own productivity. Save the time withTalk2Task.To see more information about Talk2Task, follow thelink How it works 1. Set uptheapplication and connect it to your Jira account. You don’t needtohave any technical skills to do that, follow thestep-by-stepinstruction. 2. Choose the language you need to set thetask. 3.Click the “Microphone” button and: -tell who is responsiblefor thetask -say what you want to be done -set the due dateTheapplication will convert your voice message to text and senditinto Jira automatically. 14 days FREE trial period is availableforall users to test Talk2Task and feel all benefits.Talk2Taskfeatures: - The application is easy to use andincludesstep-by-step instructions. - Modern and accurate voicerecognitiontechnology. - Multi- language. You can use English,Ukrainian, orRussian to set the tasks. If you need the otherlanguage to besupported, please contact us - Set an unlimited number oftasks.Choose the monthly subscription, for 6 months, or for a yearanduse the app without any limits. - View tasks before saving,adddetails by text or voice. - Attach photos using the cameraorgallery. - Automatically attach your message record. LANGUAGES-English - Russian - Ukrainian FOLLOW US -Facebook -Twitter -LinkedIn -YouTube We are here to helpyou.Feel free to contact us for any support or suggestions.
Talk2Task for HubSpot CRM®
MagneticOne Mobile
Talk2Task - the application that allows you to set tasks usingthevoice commands directly into HubSpot CRM. Manage projectsremotely,assign tasks to employees in the most convenient way -just clickand talk! Increase your own productivity. Save the timewithTalk2Task. To see more information about Talk2Task, follow thelink How it works 1. Set uptheapplication and connect it to your HubSpot CRM account. Youdon’tneed to have any technical skills to do that, followthestep-by-step instruction. 2. Choose the language you need tosetthe task. 3. Click the “Microphone” button and: -tell whoisresponsible for the task -say what you want to be done -set theduedate The application will convert your voice message to textandsend it into HubSpot CRM automatically. 14 days FREE trialperiodis available for all users to test Talk2Task and feel allbenefits.Talk2Task features: - The application is easy to use andincludesstep-by-step instructions. - Modern and accurate voicerecognitiontechnology. - Multi- language. You can use English,Ukrainian, orRussian to set the tasks. If you need the otherlanguage to besupported, please contact us - Set an unlimited number oftasks.Choose the monthly subscription, for 6 months, or for a yearanduse the app without any limits. - View tasks before saving,adddetails by text or voice. - Attach photos using the cameraorgallery. - Automatically attach your message record. LANGUAGES-English - Russian - Ukrainian FOLLOW US -Facebook -Twitter -LinkedIn -YouTube We are here to helpyou.Feel free to contact us for any support or suggestions.
Workbooks CRM Call Tracker 1.0.114
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Workbooks CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due toyour businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in oneplace – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process ofentering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allowsusers to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact,allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rulesto enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It alsolets youadd and edit the information before saving the call loginto theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- savethe callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app andchoosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The applicationis ableto work offline and pending activities will syncautomatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *Thisapplication wasdeveloped to work with Workbooks CRM by M1MW. Thisapplication isnot developed by Workbooks CRM. Workbooks CRM is theregisteredtrademark. SMS tracking is NOT available right now! Howit WorksUsing Call Tracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. Youshouldhave a Workbooks CRM account. Set the connection to your CRMinsidethe application (enter your credentials). Make sure that theLoginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your freetrialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check forsubscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call onyoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose tosave itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call infointothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You canalso:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never saveintoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; -choosethe destination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Business Card Reader for amoCRM 1.1.161
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for amo CRM is the easiest, fastest andsecuresolution for transferring information from paper businesscardsinto the CRM systems using the camera of your smartphone. Takeapicture of a business card and the application will scanandinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM. Inaddition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Business Card Reader for SuiteCRM 1.1.163
MagneticOne Mobile
The application is the easiest, fastest and secure solution fortransferring information from paper business cards into the CRMsystems using the camera of your smartphone. Take a picture of abusiness card and the application will scan and instantly exportall card data directly to your CRM. In addition, this app will helpyou learn more about a potential client, partner or colleague. Itis one of the best apps for CRM systems. Anyone who works in thebusiness sector don’t want to spend too much time looking forbusiness cards that were presented at meetings, events, orconferences, and then carefully fold and sort them, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs. Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business Card Scanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of filling thecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use the bestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card Reader fromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work? Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of a businesscard, the app will automatically recognize all the information fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to the CRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognition languages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitive interface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability to recognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25 recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognition supported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes before saving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it is missing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed for Ultra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition server connection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion of business card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text and voice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws or privacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in one place. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of the contact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title, Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with your contact information to a saved contact; -Custom fields customization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; - Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - Corporate Keyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limit CorporateKey access to specific users or domains. Corporate Licensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single Corporate Key for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Read more: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE version witha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan 10business cards to test how the application works, after that youneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal (unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr); $27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate (peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99* –2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the common questions: Follow us Website: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: us E-mail: We are here tohelp! Feel free to send us any questions or suggestions you have.
Call Tracker for Bitrix24 CRM 2.3.150
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Bitrix24 CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due toyour businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in oneplace – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process ofentering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allowsusers to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact,allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rulesto enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It alsolets youadd and edit the information before saving the call loginto theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- savethe callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app andchoosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The applicationis ableto work offline and pending activities will syncautomatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *Thisapplication wasdeveloped to work with Bitrix24 CRM by M1MW. Thisapplication isnot developed by Bitrix24 CRM. Bitrix24 CRM is theregisteredtrademark. SMS tracking is NOT available right now! Howit WorksUsing Call Tracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. Youshouldhave a Bitrix24 CRM account. Set the connection to your CRMinsidethe application (enter your credentials). Make sure that theLoginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your freetrialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check forsubscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call onyoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose tosave itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call infointothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You canalso:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never saveintoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; -choosethe destination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Call Tracker for Sugar CRM 2.3.150
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Sugar CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due toyour businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in oneplace – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process ofentering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allowsusers to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact,allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rulesto enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It alsolets youadd and edit the information before saving the call loginto theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- savethe callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app andchoosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The applicationis ableto work offline and pending activities will syncautomatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *Thisapplication wasdeveloped to work with Sugar CRM by M1MW. Thisapplication is notdeveloped by Sugar CRM. Sugar CRM is theregistered trademark. SMStracking is NOT available right now! Howit Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. Youshould have a SugarCRM account. Set the connection to your CRMinside the application(enter your credentials). Make sure that theLogin status is“Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trialsubscription (goto Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription) orbuy thesubscription. 3. Make or receive a call on your smartphone.4.After the end of the call, you can choose to save it into yourCRM,and the app will automatically send call info into the CRM(whocalled, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also: - setuprules for certain contact (always save or never save into aCRM),and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choosethedestination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Business Card Reader for Workbooks CRM 1.1.161
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Workbooks CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Copper CRM Business Card Reader 1.1.161
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Copper CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Business Card Reader for Salesflare CRM 1.1.162
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Salesflare CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Business Card Reader for PipelineDeals CRM 1.1.162
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for PipelineDeals CRM is the easiest,fastestand secure solution for transferring information frompaperbusiness cards into the CRM systems using the camera ofyoursmartphone. Take a picture of a business card and theapplicationwill scan and instantly export all card data directly toyour CRM.In addition, this app will help you learn more about apotentialclient, partner or colleague. It is one of the best appsfor CRMsystems. Anyone who works in the business sector don’t wanttospend too much time looking for business cards that werepresentedat meetings, events, or conferences, and then carefullyfold andsort them, or manually enter every detail to spreadsheetsor CRMs.Digitizing business cards is the best solution and BusinessCardScanner is a convenient way to do this. Simplify the way offillingthe contact’s base, keep up with the modern world and usethe bestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Business Card Reader for Oro CRM 1.1.161
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Oro CRM is the easiest, fastest andsecuresolution for transferring information from paper businesscardsinto the CRM systems using the camera of your smartphone. Takeapicture of a business card and the application will scanandinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM. Inaddition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Job title, Address, Socialnetwork profiles, etc.; - Send aletter with your contactinformation to a saved contact; - Customfields customization; -Save the location of the recognitionprocess; - Mobile devicemanagement (MDM) settings; - Corporate Keyadministration - watchreports, add/remove admins, limit CorporateKey access to specificusers or domains. Corporate Licensing Youcan use Business CardScanner with a single Corporate Key for theentire team for an easyauthorization process. Read more: NO ADS!PRICING It’s a FREE version witha limited amount of business cardrecognitions. You can scan 10business cards to test how theapplication works, after that youneed to buy recognitions. Pay AsYou Go plans: Personal (unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 businesscard recognitions (bcr); $27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr;$99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate (peryear) $99.99* – 1000 businesscard recognitions (bcr); $199.99* –2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr;$399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries.FAQ Answers to the common questions: us Website: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Capsule CRM Business Card Reader 1.1.162
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Capsule CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Call Tracker for Act! Essentials CRM 2.3.153
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Act! Essentials CRM is a mobile app intendedtotransfer information about incoming and outgoing callsfromsmartphones into CRM (customer relationship management) system.Itis exactly what you need if you make a lot of calls every daydueto your business activity. You can store all data about callsinone place – in the CRM system. You can automate the manualprocessof entering data about every call to the CRM. Theapplicationallows users to track the duration and number of callsto everycontact, allows to add notes and voice notes to the calllog, tocreate rules to enable automatic call tracking forindividualcontacts. It also lets you add and edit the informationbeforesaving the call log into the CRM. After every call, theapplicationwill ask you- save the call info to the CRM or not. Youcan latergo inside the app and choose what call logs you want tosave to theCRM. The application is able to work offline and pendingactivitieswill sync automatically when the Internet connection isrestored.*This application was developed to work with Act!Essentials CRM byM1MW. This application is not developed by Act!Essentials CRM.Act! Essentials CRM is the registered trademark. SMStracking isNOT available right now! How it Works Using Call Trackeris mucheasier than it may seem! 1. You should have an Act!Essentials CRMaccount. Set the connection to your CRM inside theapplication(enter your credentials). Make sure that the Loginstatus is“Online”. 2. You need to activate your free trialsubscription (goto Menu - Configuration- Check for subscription) orbuy thesubscription. 3. Make or receive a call on your smartphone.4.After the end of the call, you can choose to save it into yourCRM,and the app will automatically send call info into the CRM(whocalled, date, call duration). That’s it! You can also: - setuprules for certain contact (always save or never save into aCRM),and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; - choosethedestination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Call Tracker for Vtiger CRM 2.3.154
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Vtiger CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due toyour businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in oneplace – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process ofentering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allowsusers to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact,allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rulesto enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It alsolets youadd and edit the information before saving the call loginto theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- savethe callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app andchoosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The applicationis ableto work offline and pending activities will syncautomatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *Thisapplication wasdeveloped to work with Vtiger CRM by M1MW. Thisapplication is notdeveloped by Vtiger CRM. Vtiger CRM is theregistered trademark.SMS tracking is NOT available right now! Howit Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. Youshould have aVtiger CRM account. Set the connection to your CRMinside theapplication (enter your credentials). Make sure that theLoginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your freetrialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check forsubscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call onyoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose tosave itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call infointothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You canalso:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never saveintoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; -choosethe destination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Business Card Scanner for Google Sheets 1.1.162
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Google Sheets is the easiest, quickestandsafest solution to convey your business cards info toGoogleSheets. Snap a photo of the business card and Google SheetsCardScanner instantly import all card data directly into yourGoogleSheets. Moreover, this app helps you to find out moreinformationabout your potential client, partner, or colleague.*thisapplication was developed to work with Google Sheets isnotdeveloped by Google Sheets, and Google Sheets is aregisteredtrademark How it works You can save a business card justin 2clicks: 1. Snap a photo of a business card and the apprecognizesit automatically 2. Preview and save results Features -Simpleinterface - 25 recognitions languages supported -Multilingualcards recognition supported - Built-in integrationwizardexclusively for Google Sheets - Preview results and makenecessarychanges before saving - Ability to recognize businesscards fromrecent card images - Automatically add country phonecode, if it’smissing in the business card phone number - Fastrecognitionprocess (improved recognition speed for UltraHD businesscards'photos) - Encrypted recognition server connection for maximumdatasecurity - Precise conversion of business card data (using OCR)-It always keeps your contacts secure and in one place - Addtextand voice notes for each business card - It doesn't violateanylaws or privacy rights - Navigate to contact address on amapUnique Features - Get more extended person’s information on theflyfrom a database of Company name, Position, Jobtitle,Address, Social network profiles, messengers, etc.* - Send aletterwith your contact information to a saved contact - Savethelocation of a business card recognition process Supportedlanguages- Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) - Czech - Danish -Dutch(Netherlands) - English - Estonian - Finnish - French - German-Greek - Indonesian - Italian - Japanese - Korean - Norwegian(bothBokmal and Nynorsk) - Polish - Portuguese (Portugal) -Portuguese(Brazilian) - Russian - Spanish - Swedish - Turkish -UkrainianPrising It’s a FREE version with limited amount ofbusiness cardsrecognitions Pay As You Go plans: Personal $14.99* –100 businesscards recognitions $27.99* – 200 business cardsrecognitions$59.99* – 500 business cards recognitions $99.99* –1000 businesscards recognitions Corporate (per year) $99.99* – 1000businesscards recognitions $199.99* – 2500 business cardsrecognitions$299.99* – 5000 business cards recognitions $399.99* –8000business cards recognitions *plus taxes are collected insomecountries Get in touch E-mail: Wearehere to help you! If you have any questions or suggestions,feelfree to contact us. We’re ready to be better for every ouruser!
Business Card Reader for MS Dynamics CRM 1.1.162
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for MS Dynamics CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone. Takea picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyone whoworks in the business sector don’t want tospend too much timelooking for business cards that were presentedat meetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold andsort them, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is a convenientway to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthe contact’s base, keepup with the modern world and use the bestinnovative businesssolutions, such as Business Card Reader fromMagneticOneMobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work? Youcan save abusiness card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of a businesscard, the appwill automatically recognize all the information fromit. 2.Preview, edit and save all the data to the CRMsystem/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognition languages:English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch,Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian,Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish, Portuguese(Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish,Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitive interface; -Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability to recognize businesscards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25 recognitions languagessupported; -Multilingual cards recognition supported; - Preview theresults andmake necessary changes before saving; - The countryphone code isfilled automatically when it is missing; - Fastrecognition process(improved recognition speed for Ultra HDbusiness cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition server connectionfor maximum data security;- Precise conversion of business carddata (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text and voice notes foreach business card; -No violations of any laws or privacy rights; -Your contacts arealways kept secure and in one place. UniqueFeatures - Get moreextended personal details of the contact fromthe database: Companyname, Position, Job title, Address, Socialnetwork profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with your contactinformation to a saved contact; -Custom fields customization; -Save the location of the recognitionprocess; - Mobile devicemanagement (MDM) settings; - Corporate Keyadministration - watchreports, add/remove admins, limit CorporateKey access to specificusers or domains. Corporate Licensing Youcan use Business CardScanner with a single Corporate Key for theentire team for an easyauthorization process. Read more: NO ADS!PRICING It’s a FREE version witha limited amount of business cardrecognitions. You can scan 10business cards to test how theapplication works, after that youneed to buy recognitions. Pay AsYou Go plans: Personal (unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 businesscard recognitions (bcr); $27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr;$99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate (peryear) $99.99* – 1000 businesscard recognitions (bcr); $199.99* –2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr;$399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxes arecollected in some countries.FAQ Answers to the common questions: us Website: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Call Tracker for Creatio - formerly bpm'online 2.3.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Creatio CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day due toyour businessactivity. You can store all data about calls in oneplace – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual process ofentering dataabout every call to the CRM. The application allowsusers to trackthe duration and number of calls to every contact,allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, to create rulesto enableautomatic call tracking for individual contacts. It alsolets youadd and edit the information before saving the call loginto theCRM. After every call, the application will ask you- savethe callinfo to the CRM or not. You can later go inside the app andchoosewhat call logs you want to save to the CRM. The applicationis ableto work offline and pending activities will syncautomatically whenthe Internet connection is restored. *Thisapplication wasdeveloped to work with Creatio CRM by M1MW. Thisapplication is notdeveloped by Creatio CRM. Creatio CRM is theregistered trademark.SMS tracking is NOT available right now! Howit Works Using CallTracker is much easier than it may seem! 1. Youshould have aCreatio CRM account. Set the connection to your CRMinside theapplication (enter your credentials). Make sure that theLoginstatus is “Online”. 2. You need to activate your freetrialsubscription (go to Menu - Configuration- Check forsubscription)or buy the subscription. 3. Make or receive a call onyoursmartphone. 4. After the end of the call, you can choose tosave itinto your CRM, and the app will automatically send call infointothe CRM (who called, date, call duration). That’s it! You canalso:- set up rules for certain contact (always save or never saveintoa CRM), and add notes (or voice notes) to the saved call; -choosethe destination where to save voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook:
Business Card Reader for FibreCRM 1.1.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Business Card Reader for Fibre CRM is the easiest, fastestandsecure solution for transferring information from paperbusinesscards into the CRM systems using the camera of yoursmartphone.Take a picture of a business card and the applicationwill scan andinstantly export all card data directly to your CRM.In addition,this app will help you learn more about a potentialclient, partneror colleague. It is one of the best apps for CRMsystems. Anyonewho works in the business sector don’t want to spendtoo much timelooking for business cards that were presented atmeetings, events,or conferences, and then carefully fold and sortthem, or manuallyenter every detail to spreadsheets or CRMs.Digitizing businesscards is the best solution and Business CardScanner is aconvenient way to do this. Simplify the way of fillingthecontact’s base, keep up with the modern world and use thebestinnovative business solutions, such as Business Card ReaderfromMagneticOne MobileWorks! How does Business Card Reader work?Youcan save a business card in 2 taps: 1. Take a photo of abusinesscard, the app will automatically recognize all theinformation fromit. 2. Preview, edit and save all the data to theCRM system/GoogleSheets/Your contacts. Supported recognitionlanguages: English,Chinese (traditional, simplified), Czech,Danish, Dutch, Estonian,Finnish, French, German, Greek, Indonesian,Italian, Japanese,Korean, Norwegian (Bokmal, Nynorsk), Polish,Portuguese (Portugal,Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish,Turkish, Ukrainian. Features- User-friendly and intuitiveinterface; - Built-in integration toyour CRM; - Ability torecognize business cards from card imagessaved earlier; - 25recognitions languages supported; -Multilingual cards recognitionsupported; - Preview the results andmake necessary changes beforesaving; - The country phone code isfilled automatically when it ismissing; - Fast recognition process(improved recognition speed forUltra HD business cards' photos); -Encrypted recognition serverconnection for maximum data security;- Precise conversion ofbusiness card data (using smart OCRtechnology); - Add text andvoice notes for each business card; -No violations of any laws orprivacy rights; - Your contacts arealways kept secure and in oneplace. Unique Features - Get moreextended personal details of thecontact from the database: Companyname, Position, Job title,Address, Social network profiles, etc.;- Send a letter with yourcontact information to a saved contact; -Custom fieldscustomization; - Save the location of the recognitionprocess; -Mobile device management (MDM) settings; - CorporateKeyadministration - watch reports, add/remove admins, limitCorporateKey access to specific users or domains. CorporateLicensing Youcan use Business Card Scanner with a single CorporateKey for theentire team for an easy authorization process. Readmore: NO ADS! PRICING It’s a FREE versionwitha limited amount of business card recognitions. You can scan10business cards to test how the application works, after thatyouneed to buy recognitions. Pay As You Go plans: Personal(unlimitedin time) $14.99* – 100 business card recognitions (bcr);$27.99* –200 bcr; $59.99* – 500 bcr; $99.99* – 1000 bcr. Corporate(peryear) $99.99* – 1000 business card recognitions (bcr); $199.99*–2500 bcr; $299.99* – 5000 bcr; $399.99* – 8000 bcr. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. FAQ Answers to the commonquestions: Follow usWebsite: Twitter: us We are here tohelp! Feel free to sendus any questions or suggestions you have.
Talk2Task for Aha®
MagneticOne Mobile
Talk2Task - the application that allows you to set tasks usingthevoice commands directly into Aha. Manage projects remotely,assigntasks to employees in the most convenient way - just clickandtalk! Increase your own productivity. Save the time withTalk2Task.To see more information about Talk2Task, follow thelink How it works 1. Set uptheapplication and connect it to your Aha account. You don’t needtohave any technical skills to do that, follow thestep-by-stepinstruction. 2. Choose the language you need to set thetask. 3.Click the “Microphone” button and: -tell who is responsiblefor thetask -say what you want to be done -set the due dateTheapplication will convert your voice message to text and senditinto Aha automatically. Try all Talk2Task benefits during thedayfor free. The Demo mode turns on only when you start to setthetask. The time you spend on connecting to Aha is not includinginthe demonstration period. Talk2Task features: - The applicationiseasy to use and includes step-by-step instructions. - Modernandaccurate voice recognition technology. - Multi- language. Youcanuse English, Ukrainian, or Russian to set the tasks. If youneedthe other language to be supported, please contact us - Set an unlimited number oftasks.Choose the monthly subscription, for 6 months, or for a yearanduse the app without any limits. - View tasks before saving,adddetails by text or voice. - Attach photos using the cameraorgallery. - Automatically attach your message record. LANGUAGES-English - Russian - Ukrainian FOLLOW US -Facebook -Twitter -LinkedIn -YouTube We are here to helpyou.Feel free to contact us for any support or suggestions.
Call Tracker for Freshsales CRM 2.3.158
MagneticOne Mobile
Call Tracker for Freshsales CRM is a mobile app intended totransferinformation about incoming and outgoing calls fromsmartphones intoCRM (customer relationship management) system. Itis exactly whatyou need if you make a lot of calls every day dueto your businessactivity. You can store all data about calls inone place – in theCRM system. You can automate the manual processof entering dataabout every call to the CRM. The applicationallows users to trackthe duration and number of calls to everycontact, allows to addnotes and voice notes to the call log, tocreate rules to enableautomatic call tracking for individualcontacts. It also lets youadd and edit the information beforesaving the call log into theCRM. After every call, the applicationwill ask you- save the callinfo to the CRM or not. You can latergo inside the app and choosewhat call logs you want to save to theCRM. The application is ableto work offline and pending activitieswill sync automatically whenthe Internet connection is restored.*This application was developedto work with Freshsales CRM byM1MW. This application is notdeveloped by Freshsales CRM.Freshsales CRM is the registeredtrademark. SMS tracking is NOTavailable right now! How it WorksUsing Call Tracker is much easierthan it may seem! 1. You shouldhave a Freshsales CRM account. Setthe connection to your CRM insidethe application (enter yourcredentials). Make sure that the Loginstatus is “Online”. 2. Youneed to activate your free trialsubscription (go to Menu -Configuration- Check for subscription) orbuy the subscription. 3.Make or receive a call on your smartphone.4. After the end of thecall, you can choose to save it into yourCRM, and the app willautomatically send call info into the CRM (whocalled, date, callduration). That’s it! You can also: - set uprules for certaincontact (always save or never save into a CRM),and add notes (orvoice notes) to the saved call; - choose thedestination where tosave voice notes.FAQ Tracks incoming and outgoing calls in your CRM; - Allowsyou toadd comments or voice notes and save them into CRM; - Theappprovides you an opportunity to create planned activities intoyourCRM and set a reminder for them; - Create call storagerules(always save / never save / always ask); - Add unknownphonenumbers with proper information (first, last name, company,etc.)to your phone and CRM. *This is not spyware, and theapplicationtracks calls only by user permission Pricing $3.99* – 1monthsubscription; $10.99* – 3 months subscription; $19.99* – 6monthssubscription; $34.99* – 1 year subscription. *plus taxesarecollected in some countries. --->>> 7 days of FREEtrialperiod <<<--- GET IN We are here to help! Feel freetosend us any questions or suggestions you have, even if theyareCRM-related. Follow usFacebook: